GM of the Year Fantasy Football Trophy with 21 or 24 Name Plates
Perpetual Trophy
Item# STJ0060
Original: $289.90
Production Time: 3 to 4 Business Days
Personalization Cost: First 50 Characters FREE. Additional Characters are $0.10 each.
If you place your order today, then we estimate to complete production and ship the order by Thursday, February 13, 2025.
Please allow more time for large quantities.
Your Delivery Date depends on the shipping method you select on the Checkout page.
Shipping Method | Overnight | 2-Day | 3-Day | Standard |
Estimated Delivery Date | Fri, 02/14/25 | Mon, 02/17/25 | Tue, 02/18/25 | Thu, 02/20/25 |
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Average Customer Ratings
Most Helpful Reviews
2 of 2 people found this review helpful.
Outstanding Trophy!
By: Robert Wall (Miramar, FL), Jan 16, 2018
I love this trophy! It is the perfect weight, feels great and is not too light. The online designer for the trophy was the best that I have seen and the engraving was perfect and looks great.
I have looked around at all the perpetual trophies and this was exactly what I was looking for - A big plate for my logo image, and plenty of plates for expansion. I had 15 years of history to put on there and I have another 6 spots left. The plates are on nice and tight and they got everything perfectly centered as per my specs.
The logo that I uploaded came out perfectly and they sent proofs for me to review before they produced it. My league members love our new "Stanley Cup" and I would recommend to everyone that needs a trophy. Will definitely use them as my trophy provider for anything in the future!
1 of 1 people found this review helpful.
Outstanding Trophy!
By: Robert Wall (Miramar, FL), Jan 18, 2018
I love this trophy! It is the perfect weight, feels great and is not too light. The online designer for the trophy was the best that I have seen and the engraving was perfect and looks great.
I have looked around at all the perpetual trophies and this was exactly what I was looking for - A big plate for my logo image, and plenty of plates for expansion. I had 15 years of history to put on there and I have another 6 spots left. The plates are on nice and tight and they got everything perfectly centered as per my specs.
The logo that I uploaded came out perfectly and they sent proofs for me to review before they produced it. My league members love our new "Stanley Cup" and I would recommend to everyone that needs a trophy. Will definitely use them as my trophy provider for anything in the future!