Fantasy Football Dynasty Trophy with 24 Name Plates
Perpetual Trophy
Item# STP0821
Original: $259.90
Production Time: 3 to 4 Business Days
Personalization Cost: First 50 Characters FREE. Additional Characters are $0.10 each.
If you place your order today, then we estimate to complete production and ship the order by Tuesday, February 18, 2025.
Please allow more time for large quantities.
Your Delivery Date depends on the shipping method you select on the Checkout page.
Shipping Method | Overnight | 2-Day | 3-Day | Standard |
Estimated Delivery Date | Wed, 02/19/25 | Thu, 02/20/25 | Fri, 02/21/25 | Tue, 02/25/25 |
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Average Customer Ratings
Most Helpful Reviews
0 of 1 people found this review helpful.
Excellent customer service and excellent product!!!
By: Robert Nelson (Brillion, WI), Aug 30, 2018
The trophy came out looking amazing. The design team did a wonderful job and David emailed me and let me know my image quality wasn't up to quality so the quality wouldn't be good on the trophy and asked if I had a better picture I could send, I got them a new picture and 2 days later the trophy was being mailed. The trophy arrived 2 days earlier than they figured and everything was easy going with them contacted me the whole time and letting me know what was happening. Highly recommend them and would work with them again anytime.